Topaz Stories

When we Sansei (third-generation Japanese Americans) began gathering stories, it was to uncover our buried past. The Nisei (second-generation Japanese Americans) began speaking out in the hopes that what had happened to them would never again happen to others.

Starting with a handful of family stories from FOTM members, since 2018 we have gathered 70 stories from 43 contributors–Topaz survivors and their descendants.

Some stories were shared with us over cups of tea with aging survivors, others via email or in envelopes hand-delivered to mutual friends. A few were excerpted from longer memoirs left by survivors who had already passed, shared with us by their sons or daughters. We share them with you on our website, Topaz Stories. The project will continue as long as there are stories to tell. If you have a Topaz story you would like to share, please contact us at

Check out all of the stories here


Topaz Toddlers