Artifacts in the dust: the tangible remains of everyday life at Topaz
Protecting Block 22
Artifacts and objects tell stories. You can help preserve these stories by making sure that the artifacts and objects found there, STAY there. Where an artifact is found helps archaeologists learn more about the lives of those who lived there.
In June 2021 professional archaeologists conducted a detailed archaeological survey in portions of Block 22. This block is regularly used as a site for guided walking tours for school groups and other visitors. The archaeological project’s goals were to document areas of Block 22 visited frequently during tours and develop a monitoring plan to observe and document natural and manmade disturbance to the site. The archaeological work, funded in part by a grant from the Great Basin National Heritage Area, contributes to the Topaz Museum’s continued efforts to combat the vandalism and looting that constantly plague the site, as well as the preservation of the artifacts and features that help tell the stories of individuals who lived there.